Oof. Thank you for this. I’ve been in the process of unpacking deep grief and trauma since 2018, and the world does not relent. It is quite hard to keep that tender spot open to air when pandemic, politics, war, and loss continually slam into it over these past 2+ years...and the common American Christian refrains only sharpen the pain. I appreciated your words this am, this cloudy Sunday am that feels somehow to understand where I am. Hopeful to know I’m not the only one.

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Sarah, you are *definitely* not the only one... there are so many of us feeling bruised and tender these days, and searching for a new way to engage faith in a way that sustains rather than stings. I'm hopeful that we will continue to find each other, and offer one another a place to be known/belong, in the midst of our grief. Thank you for offering your witness here!

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Apr 24, 2022Liked by Erin Baldwin Day

Thank you so much for this. Like a lot of people, I have been struggling to see where I belong. So much grief and loss this pandemic. Your words reached clear down into my soul and gave me hope. More than that, acceptance and recognition of the feelings that others see as failure. I had been trying to figure out how to express what I am feeling, and you have done that. It's hard to tell you just how much impact your words, "I see you" had on me the first time I read them, and every time since. Throughout much of Lent, I just was not been ready for Easter Sunday. Fortunately, because I was sick, I could not attend church on Easter Sunday. For once, I was grateful for being unwell. You are definitely a blessing.

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Peggy, what a gift you have just given me. I am so gratified that your spirit felt hope and kinship in my words — and you have blessed me in return by telling me so. Thank you, thank you. 🧡 I hope your body is returning to health!

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